

An avid urban hiker and photographer, I spend as much time as possible out on the streets with my medium format, mirrorless camera and tripod. My favorite time for these pleasures is late at night when I have the city to myself. I am delighted by the pedestrian, everyday scenes I encounter, especially when the streets are deserted. I present my meditative, austere scenes in limited edition, large, square-format archival pigment prints. The sights are common, architectural landscapes, caught by long exposure at night, and abstracted in photographic fragments. I hope my compositions unveil a new perception for viewers, to enable them to see these subjects ...in a new way — or maybe for the first time — as I see them. In gazing these works, I invite the beholder to join me in ‘my church.’

Having earned a BFA in sculpture at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX, I transitioned into painting after art school. For many years, I created large scale abstract canvases. While on sabbatical in 2015, I spent two months in Manhattan, walking every block of the island — covering nearly 700 miles in thirty-four days which I documented in photographs intended to be used for studies for a large body of painting work for an upcoming show. The unintended result, however, was an exhibition of large scale photographs with an accompanying book, “Urban Hike of Manhattan”. I have considered myself primarily a photographer ever since.


Blackfish Gallery, Portland, OR


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